Minutes of Special School Board Meeting

April 7th, 2005

7:00 PM



Location:         District Office, Gander




Mr. Bill Sceviour (Chair)                                                Mr. Randell Mercer, Director

Ms. Lisa Wheeler                                                          Mr. Charlie McCormack

Mr. Gerald Hounsell                                                      Ms. Claudine Wells

Ms. Carolyn Andrews                                                   Ms. Bonnie Lane McCarthy

Mr. Clar Brown                                                                       Ms. Marina Hewlett

Mr. Randy Edison




Mr. Terry Brown                                                          Mr. Shawn Brace

Ms. Linda Cutler


Bill Sceviour opened the Meeting at 7:15 PM


1.         The Director explained the three documents distributed to Board Members:


A.        Change Requirements 2005 Plan to Restructure Schools

B.         Action Plan to Implement the 2005 Framework Document Draft #2

C.         2005 Framework Document for Restructuring School Systems Draft #3


The Director briefed the Board on the feedback he has received from schools and community leaders.  For the most part, the feedback has been positive and the people who are critical are fairly reasonable in their discussion.


Mr. Edison was concerned that it be made clear to the public that the government must fund this plan for it to be completed.


Mr. Sceviour pointed out that the Framework document sets the vision for the future.  The Action Plan is more flexible and will depend on funding and process requirements.


The Director discussed the financial aspects of the plan and the money that can be utilized from incentive savings.  This should allow a lot of the work to be completed.  He pointed out that this District can best be in position to get capital funds if there is a five-year plan in place.  It is important to be proactive.


Motion:            that the Board accept and adopt the 2005 Framework Document for Restructuring School Systems Draft # 3.  (Hounsell/Pritchett).  Carried.


It was suggested that there are a few grammatical and emphasis changes that need to be made but nothing that changes the intent of the document.


The Board members liked the educational rationale of structuring schools in the manner that the curriculum is structured in Newfoundland and Labrador.


2.         Action Plan to Implement the 2005 Framework Document for Restructuring School Systems.  (See attached)


The Director took the School Board through the Plan.  The Plan will change the current 39 school systems into 34 school systems.  The Plan is set up by year for the next five years.  It is also arranged by school system  (Appendix B).


The Capital Projects are identified in Appendix C.


Motion:            That the Board accept and adopt Action Plan to Implement the 2005 Framework Document for Restructuring School Systems – Draft # 2.  (Hounsell/C. Brown)  Carried.




The Director explained the Communication Strategy for the Release of the five-year Restructuring Plans (see attached).


The Board Members suggested that the affected schools be informed before the complete plan is posted on the website.  The councils should be given a deadline for response.


There was a discussion on the appropriate manner of public consultation.


Motion:            That the Board accept the communication plan as presented with the following suggestions:


·            A letter be drafted to individual schools by April 8.

·            Advise principals to use a standard letter with local changes inserted as part of communication to parents by April 12 AM

·            Deadline be suggested for response from school councils by April 15. 

(Andrews/C. Brown).  Carried.


There was a discussion on the time required for staffing schools before the May 7th, 2005 deadline.


3.         The Director presented the information on requests for funding.


Motion:            to write the Minister of Education requesting funding from the ‘Department’s Capital Planning Budget ($250,000)’ to appoint consultants to carry out preliminary design work for each of the capital projects within the Board’s School System Restructuring Plan, and to prepare cost estimates for the designated projects therein.  (Wheeler/Edison).  Carried.


Motion:            to request appointment of engineering firm to commence design work to extend EVH – Maple with appropriate renovations and upgrades to redevelop this building into an intermediate school for students of the Grand Falls-Windsor School System.  (Andrews/C. Brown).  Carried.


Motion:            to request that the Minister of Education extend the Special Incentives Program from tst current 3-year retention cycle to a 5-year retention cycle following a school closure or reduction, and to direct those funds, in conjunction with other approved capital funding, to financing the capital works component of the Board’s 5-year School System Restructuring Plan.  (Edison/Pritchett).  Carried.


Road Conditions in Burlington Area


The Director reported on a recent visit to the schools in Burlington and Middle Arm.  Particular attention was noted with respect to the poor condition of the roads.  The Director was asked to write the Minister of Education, with copies to other appropriate Ministers, expressing concerns relating to the impact of the poor road condition on transporting the students to school.


4.         Date of Next Meeting


The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on April 19, 2005 commencing 7:00 PM at the Regional Office.


5.         Adjournment


Motion:                        to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 PM.  Carried.




_________________________                                              ________________________

William Sceviour                                                           Charlie McCormack

Chair                                                                            Recorder

